Monday, 22 December 2008

More thoughts on productivity

This is spurred on by a few of the conversations had at the Tweetup last Thursday, as well as (it seems) the constant effort to improve efficiency, and the resulting discovery that I am my own worst enemy.

Still, I'm in good company.

So I was at the Tweetup, talking with some very smart people about geeky stuff, including greasemonkey scripts that took hours to develop, that save a few microseconds when filling out a web form.

We all think we want productivity, but sometimes our actions say otherwise - specifically the actions that spend ridiculous resources making things theoretically more productive, some time in the future, instead of doing the (always harder) stuff of right now.

Like today. So often we think of a productivity app as something we add on. We're almost addicted to adding something on... but sometimes it's about what we take away. Like turning my second monitor off for a short while.

Works for me. Here's to less!


JoeGreenz said...

I wonder if productivity should be judged by output, rather than process.
I often sit gazing into space, apparently doing nothing..for days on end. My colleagues think I am narcoleptic. Then in a frenzy of focus I deliver something.

Over the years I have realised traditional time and motion concepts of productivity have almost no meaning in anything but process work.

As a creative director in a large ad agency some years ago I even recommended that my teams not have desks. Desks are for accountants. Comfy chairs and chaise lounge much more suited to coming up with ideas (if only because they invite people to talk with other, whereas desks don't). Better still go outside and sit on the grass. It will be a far more productive use of your time.

Simon said...

I like it. Although desks/tables are good for making stuff/thinking on paper.

I know that I get more focused work done at cafes than in the office (and on Twitter, with other internet stuff etc) ... but I also know I'd have no focused work to do at cafes without that crazy, interruptive office experience.