Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A blog post about blog posts

This is an example post written for our attendees at Marie Workshops. It may not make any sense to you if you're not here. The sentence that you were working on before...

which, as I recall, was something like:

Who you are (business or individual, or a combination of the two - it's up to you). 

What's your message? (In a sentence)

For example: 

Simon Young
#sy social media consultancy

Ph (+649) 379 5421 | Mob (+64) 021 192 0016
Skype: simonisntsoyoung
Our office:

Find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc:


Unless we've agreed otherwise, this email is off the record. If this email is not for you, please let us know and delete it. Thank you!

Posted via email from Simon's posterous

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